If you want a motorcycle look clean and fresh it is definitely washing activities should performed, but must be known if made a mistake in washing will affect badly on the surface of paint, soft scratches (swirl marks) most occur because the mistakes when cleaning and wiping.
- bucket
- applicator, as a media washing, use a sponge or wash mitts, specially use for washing vehicles, must not use any foam because it can cause scratches
- soap, for paint the main (body, tank, fairing etc.) use a ph balanced shampoo for washing vehicles, which does not scrape the wax preferably
- Wipe, it is advisable to use a microfiber-based (MF)
- quick detailer for a finishing touch that will provide protection and maximum result
There are many techniques of washing, I prefer to follow the two buckets method, where one bucket of water + shampoo and another one just filled with water. So after every wash with shampoo, before dipping into the bucket of shampoo, rinse first in bucket which contains only water, the goal is not carried away to dirt again.
Flush all sections with water, then wash from dirty part first, usually at the bottom, then wash from top to bottom, try using a sponge / wash mitt which different for washing main paint, as well as shampoo solution created 2-3 times during the washing for reduce entrainment dirt while using shampoo. Rinse the remaining shampoo until clean. To dry preferably use a Microfiber (MF) Drying Towel, wiping is not recommended to use a chamois, because chamois can not absorb dirt grains which can cause scratches, if forced to use a chamois, do it absorbs sections wet (only patch, do not wipe). Do it from sections top down.
After this step can be performed polishing and waxing or just spray quick detailer then wipe with a MF cloth.
Want to do the detailing? let washing it well first, so as not useless details which performed, if you are already familiar washing, no longer want your motorcycle washed other people :D
For tips and other specially cleaning will be posted on the next
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makasih infonya yah, moga gak gores deh motorku :)
kalau yg ditempat cuci mobil/motor itu gimana? apakah sedetail itu?
jarang sekali ditempat cuci melakukan dengan cara itu, kebanyakan hanya menjamin bersih dan enak dipandang tanpa memperhatikan jangka panjangnya. Kalau motor saya sih nggak pernah dicuci orang lain :D
lengkap amat peralatannya,..hehe,..
selamat mencuci ya.. :P
informasi yang membantu niiih, biasanya saya nyuci motor asal aja yang penting bersih n g kotor, cuma ituu
trims atas infonya, sukses selalu n TETAP SEMANGAT
@sda: jarang sekali ditempat cuci melakukan dengan cara itu, kebanyakan hanya menjamin bersih dan enak dipandang tanpa memperhatikan jangka panjangnya. Kalau motor saya sih nggak pernah dicuci orang lain :D
thx all udah pada mampir
Jempol gan infonya, thanks sdh berbagi..
infonya keren sob..
tapi merk shampo apa sih yang bagus untuk body motor (motor gw beat matic warna hitam), kan tidak semua merk shampo cocok untuk body motor.. thank kiyu sob atas share nya..
sukses untuk sobat ... http://www.seurune.co.cc
yang pasti bukan shampoo rambut dong, pakai saja shampo untuk mencuci kendaraan karena sudah dirancang aman untuk cat kendaraan, biasanya dikemas untuk mencuci mobil. Masalah merk bisa sesuaikan dengan dompet saja, yang pasti makin mahal hasil nya makin memuaskan
hahahahahha.. oke deh sob :D
terima kasih sekali tips nya ne..... g kayak aku kalo nyuci, semprot dilap udah
wah kalo kayak gini pasti kinclong terus motornya
thank for information... grettings
kereen nih gan hehehe follow2an yuk gan thx
visit here :P
I don't have a bike, but this is about as much stuff as I use for my car. :-)
wah mantbs nih artikel boleh tuh share ke tmpat ane ya dan salm silaturahim bang atau bu n kunjungi blik blog saya klu perlu koment yah
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