
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shaft slip - RC helicopters can not fly

Do not panic if all of a sudden the helicopters won't fly when the blade  rotates, it could happen due to the hard crash. Try checking the inner gear shaft by holding your gear and then manually rotate the upper blade slowly, if the blade rotating means inner shaft tucked. There are two possible location of its slip, could be in balancer holder or gear.
Remove the balancer holder of the shaft, try again to hold the gear and then manually rotate the inner shaft, if slip is a problem in gear, if not slip means that the problem  occurs at the balancer holder.

If slip occurs on the balancer holder, replace the balancer holder, note the sign on the shaft should be in line with the bolt. If slip occurs on the gear is actually only need to lower the gear down by pulling gear while holding the balancer, but if these events are often recurrent, gear position should be strengthened. There are two ways to strengthen the position of gear on shaft
  • Strangling gear holder with thread or fine wire
  • Using super glue, slide the gear approximately 5mm from the initial position, apply glue to the shaft, then slide the gear back into position, you should leave on 6 hours
Temporary the image can be seen in 3ch RC Helicopter Parts

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  1. blognya keren....anakku pasti seneng kalau kesini.

  2. terima kasih udah pada mampir, nanti mau di tambah lagi tulisan nya

  3. Bro... tips nya keren, tambahin foto dong, biar lebih jelas!

  4. itu dia masalahnya, bagian nya agak kecil, kalo di poto gak jelas, maklum cuma pakai camera hp, nanti deh diusahain walau mungkin agak burem

  5. wah heli aku juga pnya masalah sama...
    thank's infony broo...

  6. tirya shaya sjsjska mapirya dhayaj turisha

  7. Kak, sabtu siang aku baru beli RC heli double horse. Tp sore maen RC nya jatoh. Terus gak mau terbang lagi bang. Apa ad yg rusak bang? Tlong pencerahannya bang ya. Aku gak bisa tidur gr2 mikir RC heli gak bisa terbang.

  8. Hi, Everyone
    In order to get more involved with these toys it is always a good idea to do some research online about them; you want to know as much information as you can about the RC helicopter that you will to get. It is very important to start getting familiar with these toys before making a purchase, and doing this is very simple and entertaining as well, in fact the fun begins since you start to look for the perfect RC Helicopters for you. Making an informed purchase is always the best way to buy an RC RC Helicopters; you want to look for reviews, how to guides, and interesting blog posts to get a clear image of the RC Helicopters that you are going to buy.See...

    RC Helicopter


  9. Mantap bro solusinya, saya akan mencobanya?terimakasih, berkunjung juga ya kemari
