
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Learn Flying 3ch RC Helicopter

The most important thing in learning to fly RC Helicopter 3ch that is not in  a hurry, mastered in stages and should  be confident.

tutorial how to fly rc helicopter 3ch for beginner

    learning basic rc helicopter 3ch
  • Prepare the helicopter which was on full charge
  • Make sure the remote battery in good condition, you should use alkaline battery
  • Choose a place that is not windy, preferably indoors, avoid the wind like a fan and air conditioning
  • Turn on the remote. Most of the remote to get ready condition must be raised by the left stick and then lowered again
  • Understand the functions of each stick: Stick left to go up and down while the right stick for the front-rear and left-right rotate
  • Turn on the helicopter, remember never to turn off remote when the heli live
  • Raise the left stick slightly to almost fly helicopters. Set the trim on the remote if the body helicopters moving left or right, that is by turning trim in the opposite direction of rotation body heli slowly until the heli still in place
  • The next step houver exercise. Raise the left stick until fly helicopters until 1-1.5 meters, try to keep 5 seconds then lower slowly left stick until helicopter landed helicopters. Repeat this step until mastering stick left. Do not lose the left stick suddenly because it will cause the helicopter crashed. If when houver heli spin moving, to be quiet stable can do trim
  • Next try to rotate the body when houver heli by moving the right stick left and right while still maintaining the height of flying helicopters
  • After familiar with the above two movements, then it can continue with the train backward and forward with the right stick up and down, keep in mind if the helicopter crashed or dropped the stick left must be reduced to  minimize damage

Good luck

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  1. makasih kawan atas pembelajaranya.
    bermanfaat banget...
    mohon dukukngan..

  2. blog yg sangat menarik, thank's ya atas banner nya

  3. makasih udah pada mampir, mau jalan2 juga ah

  4. dari dulu tuh saya gak bisa2 nerbangin helikopter ginian..hihihihi..cheers, brader,,,sukses selalu

  5. Tanks Boz..
    Tulisannya cukup manfaat.
    saya juga baru belajar pake Heli "GyroSope" Falco II.
    Di tunggu ya bOz tulisan2 lainnya, tentang Aeromodelling Heli.

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  7. The retail packaging for the HELO TC was very well designed and has all the basic features on the outside and even a window to show off the black plastic and silver metal helicopter. Inside the box the helicopter was safely packaged and secured to the plastic insert with two twist ties, so be sure to remove those before yanking it out of the box and damaging the delicate airframe.

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  10. wauw hebat aku sudah coba betapa enak terbangin nya o iya aku ewan boleh kan aku bergabung sama group kalian umurku 8 thn boleh ya

  11. makasih untuk tips menerbangkan helicopter remote controlnya, sangat bermanfaat!

  12. Om mau tanya, mengecasnya itu berapa jam ya?
