
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tips on choosing rc helicopter

Choosing rc helicopter is sometimes confusing, especially choose the first helicopter, following a little input to the basic considerations to choose heli
rc helicopter toys
mini or medium or big size?
selection depends on the amount of money that will be issued and the willingness of places to fly helicopters, big/jumbo heli is certainly more expensive than mini helicopters, and a big helicopters also need larger play area than the mini helicopters. For the first heli it is advisable to choose the mini size or medium, because the amount spent is not too big either to buy helicopters and spare parts, and also not to be confused to find a place to play, even a mini heli comfortable playing in the room, after familiar and have a place wider then switch to jumbo size.

2 ch or 3 ch or 4 ch or 6 ch?
For a description of the channel can be viewed at Explanation the number of channels on the RC Helicopter
For the first heli, you can start with 3 ch, variations of its movement well enough to start first exercise and the price is quite reasonable. After skillful play 3 ch then switch to the 4 ch and then 6 ch. Keep in mind also, the more the number of channels, the price is more expensive.
Often also found 3.5 ch or 5 ch, this is only additional function only at 3 ch or 4 ch, usually function on/off lights or dual speed

Gyroscope or non gyroscope?
At present most of the helicopters have been equipped with a gyroscope system, therefore it is easier to control the heli. Gyroscope is a component in charge of correcting the stability of helicopters. If you select the first heli, is strongly recommended that already have a gyroscope.

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  1. Dear friend, Happy New Year, thank you for the visit, happy 2011 with health, peace and happiness. Hugs Valter.

  2. Dear friend, Happy New Year, thank you for the visit, today is the first day of the year that will bring happiness. Hugs Valter.

  3. Happy 2011, year I wish you thee for and your family love friend :)

  4. pernah beli, tapi kebakar.
    kenapa ya?

  5. kayanya ini yg main mah orang dewasa ya? bukan anak-anak? bapaknya yang main, anaknya suruh liat :)

    met tahun baru 2011

  6. kemungkinan terbakar karena salah memperlakukan batre. Coba baca cara merawat batre di bagian tips

  7. kalo beli begituan dimana bro...??

  8. laaah agan ini, ya beli disini aja dong :D

  9. blognya bagus nih...niche-nya khusus lagi..

  10. wach,thx sangat ya ka atas tipsnya.

  11. Mau dong gan dikadoin ke ane. Hehe ....

    salam kenal ya.

  12. Hello my friend.
    The week ends.
    I want day good for you.

  13. wah masnya pecinta halicopter ya.. mantap ni mas!

    main juga mas ke blog saya mijoe99 blogger indonesia

  14. wah mas mantep tapi kok rc saya gk bagus keliatannya...

  15. selamat malam , terima kasih infonya mas , sangat berguna , blog anda sudah saya follow dan link anda sudah saya pasang di blog saya , mohon kerjasamanya , pasang link saya dan follow blog saya , terima kasih salam sukses

  16. prnah salah beli cma dpt 2 ch di glodok. 245 ribu :( .next time cri yg 3 ch.. biar ga ketipu lgi mesti lbih teliti lagi nih.. he..he :)

  17. gan kalo heli medium apa sama rapuhny dengan heli mini?soalny ak punya heli mini cm tahan 2hari hbis tu motorny udh lemah dan heli ga bs terbang lg...

  18. @Lagen: Rc heli sebenarnya tidak serapuh itu, baik yang mini maupun medium, coba baca "Merawat batre RC Helicopter" karena banyak kesalahan pada cara merawat batre nya

  19. Merek RC yang bagus tu merk apa ya? posting urutan merek nya dunk,. mulai dari yang terbaik sampai yang di bawah2 nya,..hehe...

  20. waduh ane dah jarang ngikutin perkembangan heli, yang pasti harga gak selalu berbanding lurus dengan kualitas, di RC jumlah channel dan mesin yang dipakai lebih menentukan yang nanti nya bisa digolongkan toys, beginner, intermediate dan advance. Kalau yg toys banyak sekali merek yg beredar, kalau diatasnya ada Esky, Nine Eagles, Walkera, yg keren2 nya merek Trex
