Switch from saltwater tank to freshwater aquascape, it is definitely learning from the beginning again because of very different handling. The following is a summary of learning, may be useful for who want start setup aquascape. Aquascape is not much different from the aquarium in general, just more focused on plants, whereas animals only as a complement. Quite many choices of plants that can be put into aquarium and most of it's cheap. Such as most plants, plants for aquascpe also have various types of character, so we had to adjust to the treatment that we could do, the wrong treatment will make the plants stunted or even die, the most influential is the temperature (preferably 26-28 C) and level lighting.
Animals that are kept is certain the animals are peacemakers and do not eat the plants, even the most hobbyist included only animals that have a function in the aquarium, which is a favorite function of algae eaters.
Good lighting should be sufficient for the contents of aquarium, the amount of light can be reduced if you get the sunlight. In general the quality of lighting is divided into low light, medium light and high light.
Filtration on aquascape not complicated, it is easier than aquarium fish, because not many toxic substances are produced, even some of the elements required by plants, so the main function of the filter on the aquascape to clear up water and make water flow circulation.
Planting media is required is the basic fertilizer and silica sand, or using basic material specific for aquascape. Basic fertilizers usually used JBL or Aquasera, or it could be with other types, it is recommended to use a special fertilizer to aquascape, aquascape requirement are not the same as land plants in general. Sand for sand base should choose the size of 2-3 mm.
Basic fertilizer media is placed at the bottom of aquarium, then the next layer of sand approximately 5 cm, a layer of fertilizer should be covered with sand in order to avoid leaking of fertilizer that cancontaminate the whole aquarium.
Accessories also no need a lot, mostly aquascaper only add CO2to help the growth of plants, the CO2 can also be made yourself (DIY) with a relatively cheap price.
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tinggal ditambah gua-gua kecil pasti tampil lebih dasyat lagi sob ..hehehe
@seurune: mau nya sih di pasang gua yang gede buat ane ngumpet :p . . hehehehe
wew keren, tinggal tambah ikannya biar hidup tuh aquarium :D
Sekarang sih udah dimasukin ikan kecil dan udang kecil dan tumbuhan udah semakin lebat
gan ane mau tukeran link gan....
Ni blog ane : C-Max Download Film
Berminat lagsung konfrimasi...
mohon kerjasamanya
saya ada usul sob :D
buat kota dalam air,.hheeee klihatanya bagus tuh sob,,.
@Jack Pratama: done
@Hanggerupang Pangarutohang: mau nya sih gitu sob, lagi nyari little mermaid nya nih :D , sementara dibuat jadi hutan dulu
Came to a kiss and wish all the best!
kalau dimasukin belut listrik, bisa hemat listrik gak ya,, hahahahaha
@seurune : abis itu gak berani ane masukin tangan tuk beres2 . . . hwaaaaaa :((
nice articles gan!!sayang ga ada GA-nya??jadi ane gak kiss agan...thanks ya gan udah mampir
blogwalking gan
keren juga tuh...
mirip kyk habitat aslinya..
@auto: sabar . . GA nya ntar2 aja, lagi kuatin pondasi dulu :)
@m-tech: :D
@Penghuni 60: itu belum jadi sih, kalo sekarang udah rimbun, thx u sob
kaga ngarti bhasanya sob,. Gud gud aja lah. Hehe malem .
WOW !!! What a great Aquascape !!! Sukses ya !!!
Miss you .... do not add up are not you? Big kiss on your heart!
wow...that's amazing..
lets try it at home...
aqua scape ane diserang siput siput kecil gimana ngatasinnya.ya .gan ?
Nice articles gan!ADA ga GA-nya sayang?Jadi gak ane Kiss agan… thank you already gan udah sirgazil
awesome content gan!!sayang ga ada GA-nya??jadi ane gak hug agan...thanks ya gan udah mampir
awesome content gan!!sayang ga ada GA-nya??jadi ane gak hug agan...thanks ya gan udah mampir
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awesome content gan!!sayang ga ada GA-nya??jadi ane gak hug agan...thanks ya gan udah mampir
Good work buddy! keep it up..
I am planning to re-aquascape my not heavily planted 10 gallon fish tank. Any suggestions?
amazing material gan!!sayang ga ada GA-nya??jadi ane gak hug agan...thanks ya gan udah mampir
awesome content gan!!sayang ga ada GA-nya??jadi ane gak hug agan...thanks ya gan udah mampir
saya masih belum kesampaian bikin real aquascape kaya gini,
cuma aquascape2 an aja, hehe :D tanaman seadanya nyari di samping rumah
kalo beli ikan neon mati terus.
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