
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Small tsunami at home from my aquarium

Memories of My Marine Aquarium Fish - 4/4
Just a records about learning experience marine aquarium from zero

(Aug 2007)

Biological filter is done, now fix the main tank. The intention to improve the upper support to make it more strong and look nice, but disaster strikes, tank ruptured, the water flooded the house, the PC is damaged because splashed by sea water. This is a pretty expensive lesson. Though the work has been made carefully, before the the work was carried out up to 30% reduction of water and has made temporary support, but careless by filling water back before the glue is completely dry.
Again forced to call a glazier to come fix the tank, the tank may be filled again after settling for 2 days. Gratefully there were no casualties from the aquarium's inhabitants, temporary all of them inside the container 70lt, which previously functioned as a replacement sump bucket. After 2 days the main tank started to fill again.

Meanwhile 140lt aquarium also emptied because move house, rather than not use so I use to build a sump and filters are more compact and simple. Everything I do own by using a glass cutter and silicon glue, was more cool to do themselves, could be more free to express and experiment. Wet/dry filters are made towers blend with the sump, beside it also created a column which is planned for plankton culture (but not to have knowledge), kalkwasser towers affixed directly on the filter, there is also a small aquarium that will be used for quarantine. Very satisfied with a new sump and filter, it seems very compact, and the installation does not remodel the existing lot, because is not much different.

wet dry filter with diy protein skimmer in sump

It was always wanted to develop an aquarium, always wanted to try new challenges. Finally I got an idea to do, do not feel satisfied to see two tubes stand up in the sump (skimmer and coil denitrator), eventually joined these device into a single tube. Coil denitrator must be inserted into the skimmer, so the tube replaced with PVC pipe 4 so as not difficult to insert coil denitrator. Merging success without getting difficulties in the execution of this idea, so now have a skimmer in which there denitrator coil, to flow into the coil denitrator taken from the output of wet dry filters, so no need the power head itself.

diy project protein skimmer
Maybe I want to quit while from the aquarium experiment, there is something else to be done. Actually the idea of ​​hell is still much to be realized, including lighting and wave maker, but later.
clown fish and anemon

End from my marine aquarium
(March 2011)
Finally I quit from marine aquarium hobby, quite a long time. Tired also carry sea water every month to replace the water, also no have the heart because the contents in the marine aquarium is mostly results from hunting in nature, rarely is results cultivation. Now switch the tank for fresh water aquascape.

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  1. nice blog...i'm glad to be here..thanks for u re visit

  2. jalan2 sambil baca2 mantep nie... :) tetup jaya kk ijial :)

  3. terumbu karangnya bagus gan, boleh dapat dimana tu :D

  4. @all: thx udah pada mampir
    @seurune: terumbu nya beli di jl Sumenep, asal rajin pasti ada aja yang bagus disitu

  5. Memotong kacanya perlu keterampilan terlatih,pernah bikin juga nyuruh ke tukang potong kaca di toko terdekat.RAjin sekali kawan satu ini,mantap!

  6. small tsunami? wowww . .
    I hope it kills nobody XD

  7. @Ladida Cafe: only kill my PC :((
    @Er'end: ane kalo potong yang kecil2 sih sendiri, tapi kalo udah yang besar minta tolong tukang kaca :)

  8. Mantaf keren aquariumnya, salam

  9. I want to make small aquarium in my house… just for fresh…

  10. Memotong kacanya perlu keterampilan terlatih,pernah bikin juga nyuruh ke tukang potong kaca di toko terdekat.RAjin sekali kawan satu ini,mantap!

  11. If a tsunami hit the east coast of Canada could it travel down the St Lawrence and become far worse ?

  12. awesome weblog...i'm grateful to be here..thanks for u re visit

  13. If a tsunami hit the new england of North america could it journey down the St Lawrence and become far more intense ?
